Official Android 10 update for Nokia 8.1 coming soon.

Hey, Nokia 8.1 users, it is time to ready up your phones for the next big thing. Official Android 10 update will be rolled out soon for the Nokia 8.1 and will be hitting your devices any time within the next few weeks.

Android 10 Developer Preview for Nokia 8.1 is complete and Nokia Mobile sent out emails to registered dev previewers notifying about the end of the Android 10 developer preview program. The official Android Developer Preview webpage has also been updated with a message thanking users for their help in testing out Android 10 and helping it refine for the official release which will be rolled out soon in approved markets. You can check out the screenshot below:

To receive the official Android 10 update your Nokia 8.1 should be on the official Android Pie release or on the Android 10 Beta 5 build V4.070 or V5.070. If your Nokia 8.1 is still on Beta 3 build then you will have to update your phone to Beta 5 build to receive the official Android 10 update when available.
